NB: the following repositories are password-protected, therefore only for authorized users
- Nextcloud: for bulk storage, e.g. for image and video data, documents
- https://nextcloud.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/apps/files/?dir=/HALY.ID/Bug_Images/Photos-by-date: quick access photos
- Gitlab: primarily for code and (smallish) data that should be strictly versioned
- https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/haly-id/sensor-data/index.xml: quick access meteo data
- https://big.csr.unibo.it/projects/cimice/monitoring.php?lan=EN: quick access to traps data and meteo info of the past years
- https://www.arpae.it/it/temi-ambientali/meteo/dati-e-osservazioni/dati-giornalieri: meteo data by arpae
- https://www.arpae.it/it/temi-ambientali/meteo/dati-e-osservazioni/dati-in-tempo-reale: meteo in real-time. The locations of interest are ‘cortile di carpi’, ‘rolo’, ‘correggio’, ‘modena urbana’
- https://nextcloud.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/apps/files/?dir=/HALY.ID/P_TUBS/pictures/Pictures_TNI_Camera&fileid=5136875: images of TNI device
- https://nextcloud.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/f/5794014: SLIDES on the status of the project in September 2023
- https://nextcloud.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/f/5794012: Some pictures from our visits in the field in June 2022 and September 2023