Event Summary
Start Date: Monday, February 13, 2023
End Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
At Department of Matemathics and Computer Science, Via Luigi Vanvitelli, 1, 06123 Perugia PG
Shortcut Sections
Monday 13th of February
9:30 – 11:45: Brainstorming and Collaborative Proposals for Haly.Id members already in Perugia
11:00 – 12:00: Welcome at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
12:00 – 13:15: Lunch break
13:30: Opening
13:30 -13:35: Greetings
13:35 – 14:20: Puncturing Section
— (25′) Rosalba & Veronica & Alessandro (UNIMORE): Potentialities of NIR-Hyperspectral imaging in the detection of Halyomorpha halys and its punctures on pears
— (15′) Peter (IMEC): Explorative ultrasound approach for detecting the punctures
— (10′) Discussion
14:20–15:50 HH Detection Section:
–(25′) Lorenzo (UNIPG): Yolo-based Detection on DataSet 2021 at UNIPG
–(25′) Bas (IMEC): HH Detection at Imec (to be confirmed)
–(25′) xxx (UPB): HH Detection at UPB (to be confirmed)
–(15) Discussion
Quick Break
16:00-16:45: Sensor Section
–(25): Jan (TUBS): UAV-assisted Multiband WSN Coverage Evaluation
–(15): Dimitrios (TYNDALL & More): The role of long range (LoRa) communications in smart agriculture and other areas
–(15) Discussion
16:45-17:00 Open Science Session
— (15′) Sabina & Emma (ESSEX University): Data journeys and the challenges of Open Science: Introducing the PHIL_OS project ( https://opensciencestudies.eu/)
17:15 -19:15: Guided tour in the city
19:30: Workshop dinner
Tuesday 14th of February
9:15: Opening
9:30 -10:40 IoT and Sensor Network Section
— (25) xxx (TYNDALL) : to be announced
–(25) David (TUBS): Retrospective evaluation of the sensor system for microclimate monitoring in Haly.ID
–(15) Francesco (UNIPG): Optimal and Heuristic Algorithms for Data Collection by Using an Energy- and Storage-Constrained Drone
–(5) Discussion
10:40 — 11:00 Orchard Overview Section
— (10) UPB: orthomosaic and more (to be confirmed)
— (10) Luis (UNIPG) : The point of view of an agronomist (to be confirmed)
Coffee Break
11:15-12:05: Introducing the Dataset 2022 Analysis and 2023 Activities Section
–(25′) Daniele & Niccolo & Lara (UNIMORE) : Classification of the images Dataset 2022 & result on the HH behaviour (to be confirmed)
–(15′)Francesco & Lorenzo (UNIPG): Early preview of the future DJI Matrix application, including the architecture for the detection in real time
–(10′) Discussion
12.05-12:30 Overview
— (25′) Cristina & Lara (UNIPG & UNIMORE): Planning next year’s research activities.
12:30 – 14:30: Lunch break
14:30 – 16:30: Round table
16:30 Closing remarks
Sangallo Palace Hotel Via Luigi Masi, 9, 06121 Perugia PG
The best rates reserved for our workshop are:
- Single Room Classic: euro 83.00 per night (breakfast included)
- Single Room Superior: euro 95.00 per night (breakfast included)
More about Sangallo Hotel:
- Tourist tax: Euro 2.00 per person per night
- Payment at the hotel
- The hotel offers parking facilities at “Piazza Partigiani parking Viale Baldassare Orsini 06122, PG“
Booking informations:
- Via booking form by using the promo code “HALY”. Enter the code after selecting the date.
- Sending an email to “hotel@sangallo.it” making reference to being part of the HALY workshop.
How to reach the department form San Gallo hotel:
In a short amount of time, you can travel from the San Gallo hotel to the Rocca Paolina using one of the first examples of alternative transportation—famed Perugia’s escalators. From there, you can continue on to the Department by passing Corso Vannucci (where the city’s window shopping is located) and the medieval aqueduct. (The car is not required)
Other Useful Info:
For those of you with cars not staying at San Gallo Hotel, the following parking lots are suggested.
Parking with surveillance (parking lots can be booked here):
- Pellini parking Viale Pompeo Pellini, 06124 Perugia PG (10 minutes)
- Sant’Antonio parking Viale Sant’Antonio 06122, Perugia PG (8 minutes)
- Piazza Partigiani parking Viale Baldassare Orsini 06122, Perugia PG (22 minutes)
- Perugia Europa parking Piazzale Europa, 7, 06121 Perugia PG (22 minutes)
Parking with no surveillance:
- Pian di Massiano parking, 06125 Perugia PG (parking for free, well linked to the city center by minimetro, bus)
Please feel free to consider other solutions on the web.
Note that the dinner and the social gathering will both take place in the center of the city.